Sharnae Hudson

Grants & Scholarships Coordinator

Sharnae wearing camp counselor clothes. Tell me an interesting/fun/cool fact about yourself.
Until I was born, my parents thought they were having a boy.

Give me a snapshot of your work history.
After college I started at Benton Harbor Charter School Academy as the Community Liaison and later transitioned to Office Manager. Afterwards, I worked at Relief Chiropractic and Wellness Center as the receptionist and worked my way up to business manager.

Give me another snapshot of what it is you do here at BCF.
Program coordinator. I assist in grantmaking and scholarships.

How do you get involved in the community?
I volunteer for various community service projects such as community trunk-or-treats, Wonderland Toy Store and social awareness events throughout the year.

Selfie of Sharnae holding a small dog.How do you like to spend your time outside of work?
I like to spend time with my family, get a massage and relax in the YMCA therapy pool.

What kinds of activities energize you?
Preparing for a vacation/road trip and Christmas shopping.

What’s something you’ve done, but you’ll never do again?
Zipline over crocodiles.

What’s your favorite place to eat around here?
Tim’s Too

What is the one thing you cannot resist?
Lindor truffles and movie nights with my sisters.

What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever had?
At an insurance agency

What’s one of your favorite parts of your job?
So far, the people I work with. Everyone is so patient and so kind. I’m looking forward to interacting with and learning more about our donors, recipients and partners of BCF within the community. 

What makes you excited to work at BCF?
I’m happy to be working with a nonprofit again. The kindness you encounter and the people you help in this area of work is so heartwarming and rewarding.

Contact Sharnae here. 

A photo of Sharnae suspended in air in a wind tunnel.