Phone Number
866-976-7263 or 269-687-1880
They offer:
Medical forensic exam and record
Help with concerns about sexual infection and pregnancy
Referrals to the right services like police, shelter and counseling
Emotional Support
Through crisis intervention and emotional support, including legal advocacy and counseling, they provide care for survivors of: Sexual assault, Physical assault or abuse, Intimate partner violence, Child and vulnerable adult abuse, and Human trafficking.
Healthcare professionals provide such services as:
-Medical forensic exam and record
-Help with concerns about sexual infection and pregnancy
-Referrals to the right services like police, shelter and counseling
-Emotional Support
Healthcare professionals provide such services as:
-Medical forensic exam and record
-Help with concerns about sexual infection and pregnancy
-Referrals to the right services like police, shelter and counseling
-Emotional Support
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