Senior activities and classes, transportation
The Greater Niles Senior Center provides a broad range of services and programs for Seniors in the Niles area for ages 60+. Our mission is to offer a variety of activities to keep our Seniors engaged and active. Please join us Monday thru Friday 8:00 to 4:00 for everything from Zumba, lunch, line dancing, drumming, fit for life, tai chi, yoga, square dancing, bingo, chair exercise, to Potawatomi Zoo! We have something for everyone!
The Niles Senior Center provides transportation for local seniors to and from doctors appointments.
Persons must be 60+ or older.
1st come, 1st serve basis due to availability of vehicles and volunteer drivers.
Appointments for Niles residents only. Donations are not required, but very appreciated to help maintain vehicles.
All appointments must be scheduled between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.
Rides must be scheduled at least 3 business days prior to your appointment, but no more that two weeks before that appointment.
All persons using our service must be able bodied to get from the pick-up site to the vehicle. Our drivers will assist you, but CAN'T transfer you. If you require more assistance, you will be asked to have a care giver with you. We are not medically trained.
Our volunteer drivers can not sign discharge instructions and are not responsible for you after a sedation appointment. Their job is to get you safely to and from your appointment.
In reference to our wheelchair van (MV1) If a person has a motorized wheelchair, the person must be able to operate it on their own or have a helper who can assist them. Our W/C van is designed to safely lock in a manual W/C or a small base of a motorized W/C. The ramp is not designed to be loaded or unloaded in grass or gravel or accomodate oversized bariatric W/C. The volunteer driver has the right to refuse service at any time if it determined unsafe for the client, vehicle or driver.
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