Connects Those in Need to Resources

A graphic with "Help 4" written at top, with "find local help: food, counseling, senior services, child care, housing + more!" and "" and BCF's logo and the word logo for Women's Giving Circle.Berrien Community Foundation announces the expansion and refreshening of, their local resource database available to anyone needing help in Berrien County.

Previously known as Help4Her, Help4Berrien allows users to sort through agencies by a multitude of topics, including food, housing, counseling, financial assistance and family resources. Users can even narrow the results down by city. All search results will be for organizations or programs serving Berrien County.

The project was spearheaded by the Women’s Giving Circle at Berrien Community Foundation, which is a group of women committed to improving life for Berrien County residents. A few years ago, they researched and studied some of the greatest needs within the county and found not everyone has the connections needed to get help or find answers. 

"What happens when you don't have a 'go-to' person or resource to help solve life's problems?" asked Women's Giving Circle member Suz Schalon. "You can feel frustrated and defeated. We created to be a quick and easy online search tool to connect key resources to individuals living in our southwest Michigan communities."

In recent discussions, the group chose to update the website to and expand its capacity.

Schalon added that the question of “What’s missing?” was also a topic of discussion. From that, “Accepts Medicaid” was added as a filter to help people narrow down results from a larger pool. 

“ is a one-stop shop for when you need a little help but not sure where to turn,” said Berrien Community Foundation President Lisa Cripps-Downey. “We’ve worked hard to put these resources at your fingertips so in those moments when you need help, you get the local results you need quickly.”