Tell me an interesting/fun/cool fact about yourself.
My eyes are blue and orange!
Give me a snapshot of your work history.
Well, the first half of my career was spent as a photojournalist and reporter at a weekly near Jackson, Michigan and then a daily in the Southern Tier/Finger Lakes Region of New York. I then was hired on as the staff photographer at Washtenaw Community College before coming here to BCF at the end of 2020.
Give me another snapshot of what it is you do here at BCF.
A little bit of this, a little bit of that. Mostly behind-the-scenes stuff like writing press releases, updating and creating new content on the website, posting on our social media pages, and working on other communication pieces like the newsletters. I also do some photos for the foundation.
How do you get involved in the community?
I hang out with the cats at the Humane Society of Southwestern Michigan every so often.
How do you like to spend your time outside of work?
I enjoy hunting for beach glass along Lake Michigan, camping, hitting up Weko Beach, thrifting and pickleball.
What kinds of activities energize you?
Finding random farmers markets in Canada where I can learn to fence with friends. That, or finding accordions in thrift stores and attempting the play them.
What’s something you’ve done, but you’ll never do again?
I once walked (legally) on a train bridge that stretched over a gorge in New York for work; 0 out of 10 would recommend. I was paralyzed with fear looking hundreds of feet down.
What’s your favorite place to eat around here?
I honestly don’t eat out at restaurants much.
What is the one thing you cannot resist?
If there’s a cat, I WILL pet it.
What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever had?
For 6 summers, I was a camp counselor. That in and of itself is not weird per say, but more so the stories that came out of it. Like, one year as I was canoeing down a river with two campers, I had to bat a gigantic spider that’d fallen into our canoe toward myself while the campers sat blissfully unaware ... I did NOT want to tip over because they freaked out.
What’s one of your favorite parts of your job?
I really enjoy taking photos to document what we and our volunteers do here at BCF!
What makes you excited to work at BCF?
We make a difference, we make people happy and, when we leave an area or community, we leave it better.
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