What is YOUR organization doing "For Good"

Starting with the first grant deadline on March 31, the Berrien Community Foundation will open applications for the new “For Good” Grants. Organizations serving Berrien County will have two opportunities each year to apply for funding for the programs and projects serving our community with a total of up to $250,000 being awarded each year.

The “For Good’ Grants are made possible by the BCF For Good Community Endowment. “When donors support the For Good Community Endowment they are supporting non-profit organizations throughout Berrien County forever,” said BCF President Lisa Cripps-Downey. “We invest those dollars so we are able to give back in the form of these grants every year, forever.”

The “For Good” Grants will be open for two cycles per year and will be available in two sizes: the For Good Major, for up to $10,000 and the For Good Minor, for up to $1,000.  The For Good Minor has a shorter, simpler form geared toward organizations with a smaller request and the For Good Major will be a more standard length grant application. The grant opportunity is available to 501c3 non-profit organizations, schools, religious organizations doing community work and government organizations. Organizations can receive one grant per calendar year.

“Our non-profit organizations do difficult and amazing work in our community,” Cripps-Downey said. “It is our job to get the dollars out and working to support the needs of Berrien County.”

The “For Good” grants provides a stream-lined process for smaller grant requests and will help more applicants be successful.

“I think that grantees will find the process a lot more user friendly with so many more options on how they can apply.” added BCF Program Manager, Susan Matheny. “It is important to offer non-profits opportunities that help them succeed so that they can do their work and opportunities that take into account their busy and often over-worked schedules.”

Application due dates are March 31 and August 20.  More information is available online at www.berriencommunity.org/grants


What Impact Do You Want Your Legacy to Have?

The wealth you’ve developed over a lifetime can make more positive community impact when you work within Berrien Community Foundation (BCF). For more than 65 years BCF has helped individuals develop funds and endowments focused on the specific interests or agencies THEY feel are worthwhile. We manage the assets to optimum growth, help meet tax laws, and guide the funding to support the ever-changing needs of Berrien County — now and in the future. If you’d like your legacy to have more impact, visit www.BerrienCommunity.org or call (26) 983-3304 and ask for Lisa Cripps-Downey, BCF President. Don’t we all want to be remembered for creating better?