Tell me an interesting/fun/cool fact about yourself.
I am a classically trained singer and in my younger years, I was a professional actress. I have appeared in hundreds of live performances (and some of them were even paid!). I have also appeared in two films and a television pilot that no one ever saw.
Give me a snapshot of your work history.
Starting in 2010, I was the Annual Campaign Manager for United Way of Southwest Michigan, working closely with corporate campaigns. I have also lent my experience in grant writing, fundraising and nonprofit administration to several organizations, including acting as the interim Executive Director for Children’s Music Workshop. Prior to that, I was the national sales and marketing manager for EProcess Solutions in Chicago.
Give me another snapshot of what it is you do here at BCF.
I oversee the administration of programming at BCF. That includes grants, scholarships and special or new projects and initiatives. I write and administer grant opportunities that come our way. I am also the Director of TEAM, the BCF youth advisory committee.
How do you get involved in the community?
I will always say yes if invited to go to a “story time” and read out loud to little kids ... or adults … or anyone really. I’m an equal opportunity reader out-louder!
How do you like to spend your time outside of work?
I like to float in a pool and read books…often both at the same time. I also like to travel to places where I can float and read books. If I have to get out of the water, I enjoy going to live theater and watching David Matheny bowl.
What kinds of activities energize you?
Being around other people. Whether it’s a small group of friends or an entire audience, people give me energy.
What’s something you’ve done, but you’ll never do again?
I swam with sharks and sting rays once. Not likely to do it again. Terrifying.
What’s your favorite place to eat around here?
Not really sure I could pick. Southwest Michigan has a lot of great places. But honestly, it’s not the place, it’s the company that makes a meal great. So I guess my favorite place is anywhere my friends or family are eating.
What is the one thing you cannot resist?
Conversations with teenagers. I like to hear their take on things.
What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever had?
Mendel Center Mainstage spot light operator.
What’s one of your favorite parts of your job?
I love working with committees. We recruit folks from all over Berrien County to review grants and help us make decisions and it is a really great experience. Getting to meet with, and hear the perspective of so many people in our county is a real eye-opener and I learn a lot from it.
What makes you excited to work at BCF?
Grant deadlines…I know, that sounds weird but grant applications are really just written plans on how our community can become better. Every application we receive represents another group of people who want to make it happen. All those people solving the problems. It doesn’t get more exciting than that!
If you'd like to contact Susan, please click here.
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