Scholar Document Submission Form

Congratulations on receiving your scholarship from Berrien Community Foundation!

We're so excited to help you along on the next step of your education journey!
In order to receive your scholarship, there are a few things we need from you. Please complete the form below by August 1.

Failure to provide the required documents may result in loss of scholarship. If you're unable to meet the August 1 deadline, please let us know by emailing Program Director Susan Matheny or by calling 269-983-3304. We will work with you to set a new date to submit your documents. 

If you are a current college student that needs to submit documents to renew your scholarship, please fill out this form.

Your Info
College Info
Financial Aid Office Info

Please provide the contact information for your school's financial aid office below. This is where we will send the check.

A Little About You
We would like to share some stories of scholars on our social media channels and in our publications. We'd love to hear how receiving one of our scholarships has or will impact you.

You could say something along the lines of:
  • "Because of my BCF scholarship, I can go to college without worrying about how to afford it" or "worry less about finances."
  • "I'm thankful for my scholarship and all the opportunities it'll afford me!"
  • "I'm going to be a ______ one day, and BCF is helping to make that possible!"
  • "My scholarship is making it possible for me to go to college."
  • Or anything else you'd like to share
Please upload a photo of just yourself that we may use on our social media channels or in publications. Selfies are welcome!

Photo ideas: 
  • Photo of you on college campus
  • You doing something you enjoy
  • Photo of you that shows what field of study you're pursuing
  • A simple selfie is fine, too!

Upload requirements
Document Upload
Upload requirements
Please upload a copy of your fall semester class schedule.
Upload requirements

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